This year for Christmas we did absolutely nothing. Well on Christmas day to be exact. We watched Robbie open a few presents and then stayed home all day and relaxed. It was nice to not feel pressured to go anywhere. I guess that can be an advantage to having most of your relatives live out of state. Not to mention all of the snow outside made a perfect excuse to stay inside. Here are a few pictures of the Robinator enjoying his gifts this year.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Love Story - Official Music Video
I think Taylor Swift is a cute girl. Let's hope she stays that way if you know what I mean. Anyway, check out her new catchy song. I love it, I can't seem to get it out of my head.
This year for Christmas instead of buying gifts for one another we took on the huge project of remodeling our kitchen and two bathrooms. We started this project Thanksgiving week and a I am proud to say that it is finally finished. A few of you have asked me what it looks like, so I thought I would post a few pictures if you haven't been over to my house yet.
Upstairs kitchen
Downstairs bathroom with tile tub
Upstairs bathroom vanity
I thought this was a cute picture of Robbie falling asleep in his jumper. This is how I felt after the remodeling project was all over.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Snow and Santa
Robbie isn't a big fan of snow. He likes to look at it and see all the snowflakes falling, but if he gets any snow on his hands or legs it's over for him. Perhaps next year he will be more brave to go out and play in it. As far as Santa goes he doesn't mind him at all. It seems like a lot of kids scream or cry when they sit on Santa's lap. Robbie on the other hand has no problem with strangers which could be a problem in the future. For now it is fun to watch him eat candy canes and enjoy the Christmas season.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Rich and I decided earlier this year that we wanted to have a relaxing vacation this year at the beach. We arranged our layover to be in Dallas so we could to drop Robbie off with Grandma and Grandpa Muse for a week so the two of us could escape to Cancun. Even though we both missed Robbie terribly it was great to get away and spend some quality time together. Plus Robbie had a lot of fun with Grandma and Grandpa while we were gone. I though I would post a few pictures of our trip for those of you who have never seen Mexico. Rich is standing on the balcony outside connecting to our hotel room, the view was incredible from our room. Every morning I would get up and enjoy eating breakfast outside on the balcony listening to the waves.
The beach is so beautiful down there. It really looks just like the way it does in the magazine pictures. You know how sometimes you see advertisements and they look too good to be true. This is not the case with Cancun, the ocean really is two shades of crystal clear blue.
One night Rich and ate out at a Mexican restaurant that bordered the Lagoon. You can't see the Lagoon because, it was dark when we took the picture but it was sure fun drinking virgin Margaritas and being outside by all of the different boats.
One day Rich and I went snorkeling and while you are riding out to the coral reef you can have as many drinks as you want as part of the package deal. Anyway on the way back our Server guy had a little too much beer and started acting really goofy. He had everyone try on the Mexican hats while he took pictures. We were laughing so hard that he caught us with our cheezy grin. I really like the picture because it is one of the few pictures I have of Rich actually smiling.
I am preparing to jump in the freezing cold ocean to go on a snorkel run through the reef. I never knew that snorkeling could be so fun yet dangerous. Sometimes depending on how strong the under current is, it can be tough to keep up your stride and still see all the colorful fish.
The only bad thing about taking pictures at the beach is you never know what kind of wave might get you while you are not looking. Needless to say we got half drenched after this shot.
Along the beach you saw wooden lifeguard posts which I thought were kind of cool looking so I climbed up one.
We spent a day traveling on the local bus 4.5 hours one way to get to Chichen Itza. Once we got to the Mayan Ruins it was incredible to learn more about the Mayan civilization and how they developed astronomy and the calendars that we use today.
They also played this sport where 7 warriors on a team had to throw balls of their hips through these tiny hoop on the side of the building and whoever the judges selected as the champion was sacrificed to the gods. I won't go into all of the gory details but, that is one sport I definitely would want to loose at. I guess it was a honorable for the champion and his family, but that sounds morbid to me.
The Mayan Ruins were incredible. I can't believe how much of it is still standing after all of these years. I guess that is why it is considered one of the 7 wonders. I was glad that we went on this trip we had a blast together.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween fun
Monday, Oct. 27th Draper Library had a party for all the kids at the park. Robbie and Caden got balloons and they had a lot of little activity booths for the kids to participate in. We met up with the Rust family at the park and it was fun to watch the kids look around. On the way out they were able to take home a pumpkin of their choice.
Tuesday, Oct. 28th Special Intervention ( a speech therapy program) had a Halloween party for all the kids at Jordan Valley School. It was so funny trying to watch Robbie bounce on the pumpkin balls. He just couldn't quite get it, but that didn't stop the Robinator from trying.
Thur. Oct. 30th Cornbellys at Thanksgiving Point. Lisa, Kimber, Matt and I went to cornbellys on Thursday night while our hubbys were at school. We decided to do the kiddy corn maze while Matt and Kimber tried the adult corn maze. Lisa and I had a little trouble navigating the stroller threw here, but all and all it wasn't bad.
Robbie and Caden jumping on a bouncy thing. Trying to get a picture of both of them is a challenge. I will be lucky if I can ever get a picture of Robbie's face in the next few years. He is my little busy body.Robbie and I going on the cow train ride. I don't dare let him go on the train by himself. He would probably get bored and jump out half way through the ride. Luckily I could squeeze in behind him.
Lisa, Caden, Robbie and I on the big Cornbellys rocking chair when you first enter the park. You never think about jump up on things being hard until you have a wild boy in your hands.
After carving his pumpkin and getting all messy, Robbie decided the pumpkin juice wasn't enough. He wanted to put his face paint on. Surprisingly he didn't mind that I painted his Tiger face on him almost every day this week. I guess he got pretty used to it after the first few times.
Robbie all geared up on Halloween and ready to go trick or treating.
I can't ever get him to smile on Halloween. Maybe, he likes Christmas better.
Video of Robbie in a hay maze with Caden.
Jesse's Wedding
Oct. 11th Rich and I rented a car and drove up to Boise for the weekend to attend his brother's wedding. It was really windy and cold, so we took most of the pictures at the reception.
Lori my sister-in-law in Heber took a lot of pictures of everyone with her awesome camera. It was really fun to hang out with all of Rich's family again. Matt and Lindsay were troopers to put us up in their home for the weekend.
The great thing about Idaho is the people that live their. Everyone is so nice and down to earth. I don't think I would mind moving up there one day. I just need to get over the cold wind first.
Jesse was the last of the Muse boys to get married. We thought it would be fun to do a sister-in-law picture. The funny thing is we ended up taking the picture from tallest to shortest and the order of the brothers. I mean starting on the left: Lori is married to Jacob who is the oldest brother, I'm married to Richard the 2nd eldest, Kim to Jesse the 3rd eldest, and Lindsay married Matt the youngest brother. We didn't even plan to do the photo that way, it just happened. Well it was a terrific wedding weekend!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Last hikes
Provo Canyon-Bridal Veil FallsRobbie loves sitting on top of our shoulders. I just love their expressions in this photo as Robbie rubs Rich's face.
Robbie giving daddy a head massage. Probably the only person that can get away with touching Rich's hair.
I miss the days when Robbie use to snuggle with me. Now he just wants to run away.
It was so green and fresh up the canyon. I love the smell of nature right after it rains.
Big Cottonwood-Silver Lake (Brhhh!)
Every other Monday Rich has the day off from working 9 hour shifts. The last couple of Monday's that he has had off we went up to the mountains. Today we went up Big Cottonwood Canyon and took Robbie around Silver Lake. We didn't stay long because, there was tons of snow and Robbie being the curious boy that he is fell into a pile of snow and got all wet.
Robbie was having a blast just crunching his feet in the snow.
Robbie ended up wearing daddy's hat because, his got all wet. All the pine trees were glistening with snow. It reminded me of Christmas and how it is almost here. It least we got a few last hikes in before the dreadful winter arrives.