Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Family Pictures

I thought I would share some photos that we got taken at JC Penny for Robbie's 6 month pictures. We didn't buy all of them, but I paid to view them online from their smiles website. Enjoy.


Christmas is finally here. Rich and I were really excited to celebrate Robbie's first Christmas. Too bad he doesn't know what is going on yet. In a few more years, I think he will get the concept of opening gifts. He really liked the wrapping paper and all the lights on the Christmas tree. He even tried to eat one of his presents. Susan gave him Snowflake jammies for Christmas Eve and my mom found him a "Berry First Christmas" outfit back East. Hopefully, this year we will be able to take him on his first plane ride to Texas or West Virginia to visit. After we opened a few gifts with Robbie at home Christmas morning, we went up to visit Jacob and Lori and the kids. They were all at the Hansen house and it was fun to listen to Katie sing her songs on her new karaoke machine. Ethan got a cool muscle man shirt and was playing ninja. Addison was dancing around in her cute pink jammies. Katie is such a big helper now, she wanted to feed Robbie so I let her. It was fun to see all of them since we don't get to see them too often. Overall it was a pretty relaxing Christmas. We look forward to the new year.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

High Pitches Video

Robbie is at the age where they vocalize different sounds and pitches. I thought I would try to get some of them on video. He ended up doing most of his high "girl" pitches which, I thought was funny.

Dressed in Plaid

I don't know why I keep taking all of my pictures on Sunday. I guess after the crazy week is over, it ends up being the best time to take pictures. I need to be better about breaking it up better. One week left to Christmas. I thought I would take a few pictures by the tree. It is really hard to get him to hold still long enough to get a good picture. I think we are in for it, once he can really move. Did I mention he loves to grab his feet. I have caught him nibbling on his toes on a few occassions. I just wish they didn't grow up so fast. Just enjoy every moment you can.

BYU game

This weekend we decided to take Robbie out to his first BYU game. At first he cried everytime BYU made a basket because, all of the cheering and the noise scared him. Then he started to get use to it. He was really fascinated with all the people and the movement going around him. Cosmo the Cougar came up to see the kids, so we lucked out and happened to get Robbie's picture with him. I must say that I am impressed at how well Robbie deals with Strangers and how he doesn't seem to mind being passed off to funny looking ones. We ended up meeting Luke, Brit and Noah at the game. Rich and Luke work together downtown. It was a fun night out.