Sunday, April 27, 2008

Heber/ Midway photo shoot

The other day when Theresa was in town we went up to Heber to visit so she could say goodbye to all of the kids before flying back down to Texas. While we were up there I asked my talented sister-in-law, Lori, if she could take some cute photos of our family. Well they turned out great, here are a few of them.

Robbie was so tired that he didn't make it to the bridge. Lori ended up taking some photos of Rich and I. I felt like we were doing our engagement photos all over again. Except they turned out a lot better. I think we look better with age.


The Rust said...

I LOVE the photos!!!

The Neilson Family said...

So so cute! It's like you're getting engaged all over again...with a little squirt in the middle. I love them, Christina! Keep 'em comin'!