Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pickle Me

Rich and I have been experimenting with different foods to give Robbie. His doctor says we can give him pretty much anything to eat other than (peanut butter, eggs, honey and cow's milk) or items that will make him choke. So the other day we gave him a pickle. To our surprise he didn't make any of his sour faces and he really seemed to like it. In fact he got mad and growled at us when we tried to take it away. Lately he has been making growling noises at us and his toys. Maybe it is his way of showing his masculinity. I must say that I miss his "goo goo" and "gaga" noises compared to being greeted by my new little grizzly bear.


The Rust said...

You little guy is So cute. I remember when North was that age we gave him a lemon. He actually like it!

k8e said...

He is so cute Christina! I just love those big blue eyes! Hope you are doing great!

The Neilson Family said...

You are such a fun mom! ...and that pickle...CUTE! Miss you. Let's call Darci and have a reunion soon!