Monday, March 16, 2009
Spread The Sunshine!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Little Tool Men
Every first Saturday of the month Home Depot hosts a kids workshop in the morning for a few hours. This month a few of us moms decided to go together and try it out.
It was a big hit. All of the kids receive a cute orange work apron and a craft project to put together. They give out different projects each month and when you finish it, you get a certificate and pin of completion.
The boys found a fork lift and of course had to climb up on it and pretend to drive it.
When the boys finished making their race car tracks we tested it out with the new little cars that came with the package. It was a lot of fun.
On a side note Robbie seems to have twisted his ankle jumping off the bed this past Monday. He has been limping around for the past few days so we bandaged him up. We could not tell which foot it was for sure so we ended up bandaging both feet the first night. We are hoping it will get better soon because, Robbie hates not being able to run around everywhere.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
He went from Robinator to Poor Little Sick boy
Last week when I was cleaning up the kitchen and when I went to check on Robbie and this is what I found...Apparently he found a spare deodorant under the sink and decided to smear it all over the vanity and then figured out how to open up my lotion and squeezed it on the shower curtain and floor. As I cleaned up his bathroom mess, I remember chuckling to myself thinking oh it least it isn't permanent. Boy I should of bit my tongue because, the next day I got a even bigger surprise.
While I was in the shower Robbie managed to pull a chair up to the kitchen countertop where he reached into the utensil drawer and pulled out a permanent sharpie. Apparently my secret hiding place is no longer a secret. I guess the pens in the drawer were not good enough for him since he has already used them on the walls before. Then he began coloring away all over his crib, walls, crib bumper, toys, you name it. Well as you can imagine I started scrubbing as fast as I could trying to save as many things before it was really permanent. I had to take a picture of him smirking at me looking like he was so proud of what he did. I just cannot believe what he is capable of at only 20 months. I hate to see what he will do when he turns two.
Well after Robbie went on his destroying frenzie last week he seems to have caught a nasty cold that has been going around the neighborhood. Now my poor little boy just mopes around coughing his head off and wants to watch cartoons all day. I just hope that he will feel better soon so that we can have a happy medium again.