After hitting the beach we drove back up to West Virginia to visit the rest of my extended family.Hay bells were everywhere when we got to the farm. I put Robbie on top of one to see if he would like being that tall.
Instead I think he was confused by the scratchy straw stuff under his legs.
This is Robbie by the entrance to the barn. I like this picture because, you can see the rolling hills behind the barn. Plus Robbie always gets distracted by the little things no matter where I try to take him.
This is one of my grandpa's newest tractors on the farm. I left Robbie in the stroller cause that was the only way I could take a picture without him running under the wheels.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
West Virginia
Myrtle Beach
Myrtle Beach is one of my most favorite beaches and is located in South Carolina in case you didn't know. The Atlantic Ocean is much warmer then the Pacific. Some girls prefer to layout all day on the sand, I actually like to swim and get wet. Don't get me wrong I still enjoyed my nice little tan and the beach is definitely therapeutic when relaxing on the soft sand and listening to the waves. The rest of my family however; didn't seem to love the beach as much as my mom and I did. They preferred to hang out at the condo's pool where they didn't get dirty. So we did a little bit of both every day.
Robbie on the other hand loved the beach just like mommy. He even took a few naps while hanging out at the beach. I don't think I have ever seen the kid happier. His two favorite things playing in the dirt without being controlled and splashing in the water. It's too bad Rich had to start school he would have loved to come with us and experience Robbie's first time at the beach.
I swear he has no fear. He would run directly into the waves and they would knock him down and he would still try to get past me to go out further into the Ocean. If you didn't know better you would think he lost his mind. I think he loved the beach so much because, he could actually stand up and run around whereas the pool he was constantly stuck in floaties and had to be held.
I admit I love to boogie board. I think it is so fun to catch a big wave in. Unfortunately the waves weren't superb until the tropical storms hit and then they were just to dangerous to be going out in. I really want to learn how to surf. Loreena and I talked about taking a class during college break, but we never got around to it. Oh well, perhaps one day I will learn.
Cody and I dug a hole to see how far down we have to go to get to the water and then we thought we would put Robbie in it to see what he would do. The problem with being wet is the sand sticks every where and though he was trying to clean his mouth he kept making it worst by putting his hand all over his face. It was pretty funny to watch him eat it though. I am told that I ate a lot of sand when I was little too so I guess it was bound to happen.